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We celebrate human diversity and affirm God’s gifts of love and grace for ALL persons. Each of us is created in the image of God and is a child of God. We invite you, no matter your age, race, ethnicity, family structure, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical ability, or economic situation, to be in ministry with us. We support the full participation of all persons in every phase of church life.  We believe that at Grace Church you will experience our God who already knows you by name, loves you, and yearns to have an even closer relationship with you. As a Reconciling Congregation, our hearts, minds and doors are open, and we are blessed by your presence. 

Sunday Worship at 10:30AM beginning September 8th
followed by Coffee & Connection with light refreshments and fellowship.

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As the pastor of Grace Church, I am filled with joy today in sharing that our worldwide United Methodist General Conference has voted to remove language from our Book of Discipline that has long prevented LGBTQ+ people from being ordained and that has prevented pastors from officiating at LGBTQ+ weddings. Language has been removed that, since 1972, - for over 50 years - has caused harm to LGBTQ+ persons and has brought deep pain and division to our Church. 

The United Methodist Church, by its actions, can now declare that it truly is a "big tent" church, welcoming and loving all, and giving permission for individuals and churches to follow their conscience and live out their beliefs in action.


Grace Church has been a leader in the movement for full inclusion of our LGBTQ+ siblings within our Susquehanna Conference. The people of Grace have long declared that there are no limits to God’s radical hospitality and endless possibilities in terms of who and how God calls people into ministry. It’s part of our DNA. The people of Grace have welcomed all and demonstrated God's love through action.

As a pastor, as of May 4th, will be able to preside over the weddings of couples, no matter their orientation. As a pastor I will now be able to encourage my LGBTQ+ siblings to follow their call to ministry and become clergy in The United Methodist Church. I believe that these decisions truly will enable us more faithfully to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


I hope that we can join in celebrating this as a great day in the life of our church.


I realize in sharing this that there may be some among us who see these decisions as cause for concern and do not find themselves rejoicing.  I hope and pray that we can continue always to share in holy conversation and move forward together in mission and ministry.  My door is always open - please email me to connect at


In the meantime, please find more information on these decisions from our bishops by clicking here.  


And please keep Lisa Bender, Don Reasoner, and Christie House in your prayers, as they conclude their time at General Conference and journey home.  Lisa will be sharing about her experience, as a delegate, with us in worship on Sunday and at next week's Grace on Tap - something you will not want to miss!


Grace, peace, and joy to you today and always, 

Pastor Anna



Worship Service Sunday mornings at 10:30AM in the Sanctuary



Sunday School Class
(Currently not available)



Grace Church is always striving to provide the community with a way to celebrate the Lord. One way we do that is through our active event calendar.

Please click here to contact us about renting space at Grace Church!

Parking is FREE in the city every Sunday, all day!

Also available for a fee:
South Street Garage

220 South Street

Harrisburg, PA


216 State St.

Harrisburg, PA 17101


Tel: 717-238-6739

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