We celebrate human diversity and affirm God’s gifts of love and grace for ALL persons. Each of us is created in the image of God and is a child of God. We invite you, no matter your age, race, ethnicity, family structure, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical ability, or economic situation, to be in ministry with us. We support the full participation of all persons in every phase of church life. We believe that at Grace Church you will experience our God who already knows you by name, loves you, and yearns to have an even closer relationship with you. As a Reconciling Congregation, our hearts, minds and doors are open, and we are blessed by your presence.

Sunday Worship at 10:30AM beginning September 8th
followed by Coffee & Connection with light refreshments and fellowship.

Beloved, In these post-election days, I am finding it challenging to process a wide range of emotions. Perhaps you are, too. In the midst of this reality, I am finding it a gift to be a part of the wider body of Christ, which has been sharing wisdom to draw us closer to God and to each other for centuries. This Sunday in worship, we will be sharing in a time of meditation during the Prayers of the People wherein everyone will have the opportunity to write prayers and share them with me to include in my prayer journey for the following week. As we pray, you will be invited to meditate on the song, Plowshare Prayer by Spencer LaJoye. The lyrics for your reflection are offered here. I pray they bless your heart, as they have mine…
Dear blessed creator, dear mother, dear savior
Dear father, dear brother, dear holy other
Dear sibling, dear baby, dear patiently waiting
Dear sad & confused, dear stuck & abused
Dear end of your rope, dear worn out & broke
Dear go it alone, dear running from home
Dear righteously angry, forsaken by family
Dear jaded & quiet, dear tough & defiant
I pray that I'm heard
And I pray that this works
I pray if a prayer has been used as a sword
Against you & your heart
Against you & your word
I pray that this prayer is a plowshare of sorts
That it might break you open
It might help you grow
I pray that your body gets all that it needs
And if you don't want healing
I just pray for peace
I pray that your burden gets lighter each day
I pray the mean voice in your head goes away
I pray that you honor the grief as it comes
I pray you can feel all the life in your lungs
I pray that if you go all day being brave
That you can go home, go to bed
Feeling safe
I pray you're forgiven. I pray you forgive
I pray you set boundaries & openly live
I pray that you feel you are worth never leaving
I pray that you know I will always believe you
I pray that you're heard
And I pray that this works
Amen on behalf of the last & the least
On behalf of the anxious, depressed & unseen
Amen for the workers, the hungry, the houseless
Amen for the lonely & recently spouseless
Amen for the queers & their closeted peers
Amen for the bullied who hold in their tears
Amen for the mothers of little Black sons
Amen for the kids who grow up scared of guns
Amen for the addicts, ashamed & hungover
Amen for the calloused, the wisened, the sober
Amen for ones who want life to be over
Amen for the leaders who lose their composure
And amen for the parents who just lost their baby
Amen for chronically ill & disabled
Amen for the children down at the border
Amen for the victims of our law & order
I pray that you're heard
And I pray that this works
I pray if a prayer has been used as a sword
Against you & your heart
Against you & your word
I pray that this prayer is a plowshare of sorts
Worship Service Sunday mornings at 10:30AM in the Sanctuary
Sunday School Class
(Currently not available)
Grace Church is always striving to provide the community with a way to celebrate the Lord. One way we do that is through our active event calendar.
Please click here to contact us about renting space at Grace Church!
Parking is FREE in the city every Sunday, all day!
Also available for a fee:
South Street Garage
220 South Street
Harrisburg, PA