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Worship Service every Sunday morning

at 11:00am in the Sanctuary


A Bit about Worship

The congregation of Grace United Methodist Church worships God with authenticity, sharing in traditional worship in a beautifully inspiring atmosphere every Sunday morning from 11:00 am until 12:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Our Sanctuary worship service celebrates our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through prayer, celebrations of sacred music,and exploration of Holy Scriptures with anthems sung by our Vested Choir, accompanied by the magnificent Starkey Organ. 

Holy Communion

You don't have to be United Methodist to dine at the Lord's Table! Everyone who desires a deeper connection with Christ is welcome. We always offer a gluten-free communion option along with grape juice with hope that as many people can receive as possible.


Coffee & Connection

We hope you'll remain after worship for a time of coffee and connection at the back of the sanctuary and spilling out of the church onto the sidewalk. We hope to see you, learn your story, and explore together how we all connect with God's story.


Children in Worship

We love children and believe it is life-giving for children and for the whole congregation for children to participate in worship together with the intergenerational community.  If you desire, a nursery is available through the doors on the left at the front of the sanctuary.  Speakers continue to make the service available to you in that space, if you choose to use it for the whole or only part of the service.   Children of all ages participate as a vital part of Grace UMC's community.

Handicap Accessibility

A handicap accessible entrance is located on the right side of the main church building, as you're facing the front on State Street.  Wave to a greeter at the main entrance and a greeter will ensure that you are able to enter through the side with ease.

What can I expect? 

Some people dress formally, and others don't. Some people live in the beautiful city of Harrisburg - both housed and unhoused.  Others come from the surrounding region.  Some are from the Queer community, others identify as being straight. All are welcome, exactly as you are! We anticipate that when we come with the truth of who we are - no matter how beautiful that might be, God will transform us together to be powerful people of hope who transform the world. 

If you would like to donate flowers for a Grace Church Worship Service

please call or email, Justine, our office administrator.
Phone: (717) 238-6739

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