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The Helping Hands Ministry serves a hot breakfast to more than 100 Harrisburg City Neighborhood Friends every Sunday morning.  

Doors open at 6:45AM
Hot breakfast served at 8AM


On the 3rd Sunday of the month, Elizabethtown Church Youth operate a clothing ministry for our neighborhood friends. 


The experience in March lifted a need and desire to try to do more.  In september of 2009, through Brian and Denise's efforts, the church started serving breakfast on Sunday mornings.  The numbers of people who grace our door varies and unfortunately we've seen an increase in the numbers from week to week.  


We've been blessed to now have the support of Camp Hill UMC, Mt. Calvary UMC, Chambers Hill UMC, and the youth from St. Paul's UMC in Elizabethtown as well as members from Grace UMC.  These churches now oversee one Sunday a month.


35 Dozen Eggs

25-35 pounds of Sausage links/patties

30-35 pounds of Potatoes (Tater Tots or French Fries)

(2) 8 ounce containers of Cream Cheese

3 pounds of Butter

1 Large Jar of Peanut Butter

1 Large Jar of Jelly


Health Kits- consist of bath towel, wash cloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic comb, fingernail and toe nail clippers, hand cream, chapstick, and foot powder.

Small bottles of hand cream, foot powder, shampoo, mouthwash, deodorant (Men's & Ladies)

Men's and Womens:  Jeans, Shorts, Socks, Underwear,

T-Shirts, and Flip Flops. 

If you would like to contribute any of the items or have any questions, please contact Deb Fink at 717-564-3468.


Fresh Fruit- Apples, Bananas, Oranges

Frozen Waffles/Pancakes


Gallons of Milk

10 Gallons of Juices (Frozen Concentrate)


Pinnacle Health is providing Health and Wellness sessions every 4th Sunday of each month from 7:00 am-9:00 am.


Blood Pressure Screenings

Health Education

Social Services information

Health Questions and Answers 


The Helpings Hands Program stemmed from a need that was growing in the community around the church. Grace Church was one of several churches that housed the homeless during recent years.  In March of 2009, it was our turn.  During the first week, we realized that the persons coming for shelter needed much more than just a place to stay.  Brian Ulsh, the church custodian at the time, and his wife, Denise, began serving evening meals and allowed people to come in from the cold to sit and talk to others before retiring for the evening.  In the course of many converstaions with the volunteers from Grace Church and other churches, we discovered health issues as well as a whole host of other issues that needed attention. Through some limited resources, we were able to address some of these needs.

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